Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

mY FaMilY ,My LifE

i can't  believe you are gone...but than i remember you are with Jesus now...i wish i could have told you one more time how much i loved you
i promise to tell your grand child how much you loved them,i will tell them you are in heaven
thx mom for everything,,i love you more than you will ever know,I will miss you every day
pls say  "HI" to dad n tell him i will wait patiently to see you both again ,i will remember the good time and i will alwyas hold you dear to my heart

i know there will be a day when i see you again
i know you will be there waching me,
protecting me  and never letting anyone hurt me.
       The little time we had  together,i will never forget it will stay in my heart forever always  
"i love you daddy"